Monday, March 25, 2013

"NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette" is a new series I'm starting, as a guide for newcomers. I've lived in the city for 4 1/2 years now, and I've decided to start writing down some of the things I've learned in my time here. I plan to put them into book form or calendar form or maybe a web series - stay tuned and email me with any questions - You also can keep up with what's next on -------> facebook -


  1. Perhaps a note about taking up the whole sidewalk, and meandering from side to side being a no-no?

    Another one: don't stand in the stairwells on your phone!

    Another one: move off the sidewalk when you need to text or something, put your back on a wall to do this.

    1. Sidewalk navigation is atrocious by newcomers. It is NOT NYC "norm" to bash into people as you even if you toss out a quick apology. If you are able bodied and not visually or mentally impaired, it is not forgiveable, and could result in a bad scene. New Yorkers are standoffish, but they take care not to smash into people and say excuse me when brushing by in congested areas like buses. Even "rough" youths dont smash into others on the sidewalk-- they know where that can lead.

  2. One to add: New York city Taxi cab roof lights: Occupied / Available / Off-duty. I see scores of people waving to a clump of occupied cabs and frowning when none stop.

  3. Nathan, I LOVE all these! So true! I love the little animations too. #72 is very clever. Today my daily web comic was inspired by #58. You can see it on Do you ever exhibit at comic conventions?

  4. These are fantastic. Looking forward to more.

  5. exit on the less trafficky side AFTER LOOKING OUT FOR CYCLISTS!

    - cellphone coverage subway thingie was clever..

  6. Thanks so much for the kind words!
    MINDY! hahahahaha oh that made me laugh. There's a fortune that will come true, guaranteed. I've never presented - I'm pretty new to all this, do you recommend it, good experience?

    1. Glad you liked it! :D Yes I've had good experiences. It's been a lot of fun having tables at shows, but a lot of work too. It's definitely worth it - I've been not only selling my books but it has led to more freelance gigs. You should go to MoCCA Fest in 2 weeks - I think you'd like it.

  7. Kudos - This is absolutely fantastic! I am sure every New Yorker can add a bunch more to the list! Can't wait to see more! :)

  8. Just an idea: when you get to the top/bottom of the stairs/escalator, keep moving.

    Or, escalators are not a ride.

  9. don't bother asking a New Yorker for directions, you'll be lucky if one stops to help.

    1. Not true. Native new yorkers are usually happy to help (in fact I often offer help when I see people looking at a map with a puzzled look on their face).

    2. I too try to help when I can! (though there are neighborhoods I don't know well at all)

    3. French--You are absolutely WRONG. We are compelled, almost over zealous to offer directions and suggestions.

      Nathan--thank you for your clear and clever witticisms. Some ideas to consider for future postings: using subway or bus seats as thought they're one's private limousine, not knowing what you want when you get to the front of the bagel line, hrumphing at dogs on the streets.

      Thanks for making these and sharing! :)

    4. In the experience of someone who doesn't live in New York but is there frequently on business, New Yorkers are eager to help -- but dangerous. No one wants to admit they don't know something, so they give you directions even if they don't know where you're going. This is how I learned the difference between the FDR and Riverside Drive. (Love your animmations, Nathan. Delightful.)

  10. These are great! Looking forward to more

  11. Fabulous! Just love them. This bit of escalator etiquette is fairly recent: stay to the right, unless you plan on walking up the escalator. People stand on the right-hand side of the escalator and walk op the left-hand side. They will just become annoyed with you if you are actually standing on moving stairs blocking the "express" lane.

  12. Thank you so much for the kind words! (as the post says, feel free to email me to be updated on what's next)

    Daisy, I already have in the words an entire section about the how to use escalators - they are particularly troublesome!

  13. Will you start a page dedicated to this series?

    1. Matt, I will be sure to make an organized and dedicated update to this all - I didn't anticipate such a nice response, so I'm trying to catch up! Thanks so much.

  14. So very cool! Really liked these!

  15. All of these are great! Add one about tourists walking 3 or 4 abreast slooowly down the sidewalk during the lunchtime rush's annoying, isn't it? I mean, it is coming up on the summertime tourist season in Lower Manhattan!

    1. LOL...there it is! That is the FIRST rule of Navigation I used to share with my visiting friends...

  16. Oh I got another one: On a rainy day, don't stand by the edge of the curb while waiting for the light! Drivers most likely will speed and splash all over the pedestrians that way for their enjoyment... (I learned it the hard way!)

  17. Take your huge backpacks off in the subway, please.

  18. Cute. That empty subway car indeed! Disagree with #35 though. Bodega umbrellas for life.

  19. Another good one is clear the sidewalk corners when waiting for the light. I see so many tourists who stand at the middle of the sidewalk instead of expanding out on to the sidewalk edge, thus backing up/slowing down people going in perpendicular direction.

  20. It's funny - I thought of #35 (umbrellas) as non-controversial but it has actually sparked some debate. I suppose I have had better luck with $20 umbrellas. Sean, YES I am already creating an entire section about sidewalk etiquette!

  21. More subway etiquette please... For example gtfo of the doorway area and stand in the middle by the seats to allow people to enter! You will not die if it takes you 5 seconds longer to leave the train, and many commuters waiting on the platforms will thank you for allowing you to actually get where they want to go in a timely manner. Also, something about the stairways at the Delancey station turn people into unmitigated slugs. JUST KEEP CLIMBING!!!

  22. Make one showing how how rude it is to put your feet up on subway poles and seats. Not only not cool, but you're probably offending 75% of the ridership, bc of cultural or religious habits.

  23. I cannot wait to see more because they are awesome! I hope to see one about those jerks who lean on the subway polls instead of just holding on. Cause you know, I am cramming my fingers in there anyway so I don't fall.

  24. This series is a great idea! I just returned from my first time in NYC, and even though I was only there for 48 hours, I encountered a ton of these situations.

    Three suggestions for future GIFs:
    1.Keep up with other pedestrians or stay as far to the right of the sidewalk as possible. I mean, I'm from Seattle (not that big of a city) and even I was having to cut around slow meandering people!
    2. Everyone jaywalks if there are no cars coming. If you're a pedestrian, either get used to it and join the club, or stay out of the way of the people who want to cross the street.
    3. If there's a line (for coffee, lunch, bagels, etc), know what you want BEFORE they ask you. They're not being rude to you, YOU'RE being rude to the people behind you.

    I definitely need to visit NYC again. The fast pace and efficiency of everything there was a revelation. Sure there were a few negatives, but in a lot of ways, NYC is a good example of how every city should work.

  25. So glad you enjoyed your time in the city! and YES I have an entire section about sidewalks because they do seem to be one of the main flashpoints of frustration - there's an entire sidewalk culture here that is unique and unknown to many who visit. .

  26. Can you make one of these for tourists who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to stare up and take pictures in groups of 10?

  27. Let's not forget those wretched groups of people who walk shoulder-to-shoulder at a snails pace in packed neighborhoods like SoHo or Midtown. Pack it in people, no more than 2x2 wide!!

  28. New Yorkers are great about giving directions. I've had someone stop to help me out, and Demi Moore stopped to point my mom in the right direction.

  29. Ha! I'm glad to hear others have had good experiences with directions here including from celebrities. And YES - to the two above, I have an entire section planned about sidewalk etiquette

  30. So glad you are doing this! I am a native New Yorker and there is so much about the people in this city that irks me, this will help get the word out there that it's not ok.

    *hold your trash till you see a bin, don't just toss it where you stand*

    *teach your kids to sit on the seat and look out the opposite window (or better yet, read a book). Get their grubby shoes off the seat and people's clean clothes!*

    *take your bags up off the subway seat next to you unless you paid an extra $2.50 for them to ride in style.*

    *to the ladies with the gargantuan handbags forever slung on the shoulder and clutched with a death grip, when you move into the subway car, if you take that beast off your shoulder two more people can get on the train.*

  31. Fantastic. These apply to not just NYC. Here's one to add: When having a conversation with a friend(s), do not stand in the middle of the busy sidewalk. Stand off to the side. I see this everyday, mostly hipsters!

  32. Thank you for your so cool post,it is useful,i love it very much.please share with us more good articles.

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  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I love that even the bird is saying- wow, seriously? These are great!

  35. How about "Don't lean on the subway pole during rush hour because everyone will hate you."

  36. Love these!
    - A few more: Avenues are just a tad (haha) longer then street blocks.
    - If going to outer boroughs or farther then a mile, get in the cab first, THEN TELL THEM WHERE YOU'RE GOING! (took me a year to figure that one out).

  37. Excellent tips and looking forward to more.

    Here are a few of my pet peeves:
    1. No one loves your children and pets like you, so keep them off of other people's clothes and property. It's NOT cute!
    2. NYC is crowded enough with having the personal details of what you ate, who you slept with and what time you're getting home force fed into our brains.
    3. Please be ready to get off the train at your stop. If not, don't get mad when you're three seconds behind and passengers start to get on. This is NYC people are always in a rush.
    4. Myth: There's another train "right behind" this one. Where, in China?

  38. thanks for warning :) see this everyday, mostly hipsters!
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  39. These are great! Looking forward to more . thanks !
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  44. Another one for you...don't lean up against the subway pole at rush hour. You're taking up the whole pole and no one wants to stick their hand next to your sweaty back.

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    تُستخدم صب الحواجز نيوجيرسي لفصل منطقة عن أخرى، أو للممرات المباشرة، وتُستخدم أيضًا كبنية تحتية في المدن الكبيرة، ويمكن صبها ميكانيكيًا أو تصنيعها في ورش التحضير، حواجز الطرق في نيوجيرسي قوية جدًا، لذا يمكن استخدامها في المناطق الصحراوية الحارة، لأن هذه المناطق غالبًا ما يتم حفرها واستكشافها، وبعضها قريب من الطرق، لذلك هناك حاجة إلى صب حواجز للطرق خرسانية قوية مثل حواجز نيوجيرسي.

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    يوجد العديد من أنواع المصدات الخرسانية القوية التي ينتجها مصنع صبات خرسانية في الرياض لها استخدامات متنوعة، لأن هذه المصدات تستخدم في الكباري ذات الشقوق أو والتصدعات في الشوارع، فهي ليست فقط أمور أساسية في أنفاق الطرق أو الكباري نظرًا لاستخدامها لعزل جزء من النفق الذي يحتاج إلى الإصلاح، فإن الطلب على الحواجز الخرسانية هو أحد أسس الطريق.

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    اذهب إلى نفس مرآب السيارات في دبي حيث سيلاحظ الميكانيكي أشياء قد لا تكون متعلقة بالسيارة ويمكنه أن يقدم لك نصائح حول العناية بالسيارات وصيانتها والتي قد يفوتها الميكانيكي الذي يراها للمرة الأولى.
    يمكن أن يؤثر الكسل على صحتك وصحة سيارتك. وبالتالي ، من المهم تنظيف سيارتك من الداخل والخارج بانتظام. قد يؤدي ترك الأوساخ والأوساخ على سيارتك إلى إتلافها ، مما يتسبب في بدء تقطيع الطلاء أو تآكل مواد التنجيد. قدر الإمكان ، اركنها أسفل مرآب أو في مرآب لإبقائها جافة ومنع الصدأ.
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    يقدم كل مرآب خطة دفع مختلفة ولكن جميعها لصالحك. إنها خدمة مدفوعة لإصلاح السيارة لاحقًا ، ويقدم البعض فترة إجازة سداد مدتها 6 أشهر يتعين عليك خلالها سداد مستحقاتك بعد 6 أشهر ، بينما يتلقى الآخر مدفوعات على أقساط.

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